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Inter-Island Festival 

is an art and life event that borrows the existing inter-island ferry connection between Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau, to celebrate and build upon the rich and varied cultures of living by the inter-island sea.


Surrounding and carrying us with its gracious blues, calming backwashes, and countless surprises, the sea is a vital actor of our daily lives. Sadly, we tend to overlook it. So we invited scholars, artists, architects, biologists, poets, crafts-wo-men, musicians, writers, performers, neighbours to exchange, collaborate and create original works to disrupt our routines with poetic, humoristic, inspiring shared moments around our sea. On the four week-ends of November 2023, you will be able to join us on boats, on tiny shoreline paths, up on the hills, pause and attend to its rhythms: rocks, waves, herons, clams, crabs, fishing boats, seagulls, buffaloes, chitons…


Slowly, we distinguish the richness of our surrounding environment. Through tours, sharings, workshops, performances, installations, exhibitions, screenings, you will be invited to consider the islands with new lenses–let words like ecologies, sensorialities, anthropocene, asynchronous connectivity bug/infuse your mind. Tiptoe in the foaming waves, swim to other shores, dive to the (extinct) corals.


Our hope: sooner than later, we all remember that the sea is alive; that the sea is full of lives, independent and connected, that find in her flows the optimum conditions to thrive. And that we –humans of the islands– thrive too, only when we connect and weave lifelong threads of mutual respect and dependency with our aquatic neighbours.

Inter-island Festival 2023

The second Inter-island Festival was held from November4 to 26, 2023, focusing on the inter-island sea that the three island: Cheung Chau, Chi Ma Wan, Mui Wo and Peng Chau surrounding. Over 50 collaborators organised more than 70 events such as tours, workshops, installations, performances, open days and screenings. Islanders were organisers, participants, volunteers and donors. More than 10,000 people attended the festival. The second edition was supported by the Design Trust, C.C. Wu Cultural & Education Foundation Fund and other enthusiastic organisations and individuals on the islands.

Review of the first Inter-island Festival

The first Inter-island Festival was held from March 26 to 28, 2021, focusing on the art, tradition, nature and urban and rural environment of Cheung Chau, Chi Ma Wan, Mui Wo and Peng Chau. Over 50 collaborators organised more than 40 events such as tours, workshops, installations, performances, open days and screenings. Islanders were organisers, participants, volunteers and donors. More than 10,000 people attended the festival. The first edition was supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Design Trust, C.C. Wu Cultural & Education Foundation Fund and other enthusiastic organisations and individuals on the islands.


Myriem Alnet 

Chan Chun-kit 

Yip Kai-chun


Local Correspondents
(Cheung Chau)  To-day bookstore

(Chi Ma Wan)   Miko Yeung

(Mui Wo)          Aubrey Au, Miko Yeung, VIBE Book & Music shop
(Peng Chau)      Jiming Lu


Volunteer coordinator 
Gloria Furness

Art direction & web design
Noah Workshop | Right Noise


Editing & translation
Sixteen Oddballs Limited

Adrian Si

Venue sponsors:

Peng Chau Rural Community
Private Bay

Supported by


Special thanks

Praya ART Space
Good Old Soil
Silvermine Hotel

food sponors:

Mezzanine Makers
Love craft
Blue Girl
Uncle Ross Coffee

©Inter-island Festival 2023. All rights reserved.

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